This year, Woody students are going away to the Gower for a chance to worship God and learn more about Him, and get to know each other a bit better as well! Julian Richards, leader of New Wine Wales, will be coming to share some teaching with us, and we’ve got a group of young graduates from within and without Woody coming along to lead worship. The venue is around a 5 minute walk from the beach, has its own chapel, and will generally be a great place for a game of sardines as well!

Book early and reserve your place at a discounted rate (your place won’t be confirmed until payment has been received):

Early bird rate (before midnight on 31st January): £50
Standard rate: £65

Any payment is to be given directly to a member of the student team. If finance is an obstacle for you being able to come on the weekend, it’s really important that you speak to Josh about it, as we don’t want money to be a reason for anyone not being able to make it.

See you there!